În plină criză climatică: OMV Petrom decide în favoarea noului proiect de gaze Neptun Deep în Marea Neagră.

Critici din România și Austria Astăzi, OMV Petrom a anunțat că va investi 2 miliarde de euro într-un alt mega proiect fosil: platforma de gaze off-shore Neptun Deep în Marea Neagră, în largul României. Criticile vin de la grupurile austriece Attac și inițiativa System Change not Climate Change!, precum și de la activiști ai colectivului […]
Creative Tactics To Fight Gas
As a movement to stop fossil gas, we are fighting against some of the richest corporations in history, who are desperately trying to find new ways to hold onto power as the failures of their capitalist, neoliberal and extractivism business models become abundantly clear. In order to stand a chance, we are going to have […]
Template Workshop “Why fossil Gas is a dirty lie”
Have you ever dreamt of giving a workshop on fossil gas? You’re in luck! We’ve put together a template workshop on “Why fossil Gas is a dirty lie” – now it is easy for everyone to facilitate a short workshop on fossil gas. The template workshop can be given online and in person, by anyone who […]
NoTAP Resistance Fund // Cassa di Resistenza NoTAP
[ENGLISH BELOW – keep scrolling!] La resistenza locale al mega-gasdotto TAP, un imponente progetto energetico europeo, sta subendo una dura repressione e criminalizzazione. Circa 100 attivisti No TAP – studenti, madri, agricoltori, imprenditori locali – sono sotto processo, con spese legali sbalorditive. Mostriamo la nostra solidarietà, e doniamo (se e quanto possibile) per dare forza […]
New Fossil Gas Terminals; Profits Over People
Fossil gas is a dangerous fuel which harms the climate and the environment wherever it gets ex- tracted and used. The current report summarizes some of these harms and looks at who pays the price for new fossil gas infrastructure projects. Key messages: Fossil gas is dangerous for climate, environment & communities. We all pay […]
Gastivists participated in the UN climate talks COP24 in Poland

We are at the COP24 in Poland. Watch out for us & meet us @COP24. Don’t let the oil&gas industry greenwash COP!
In English – Collected documents

1. Background reports Pérez, Alfons, 2018: Global Gas Lock-in: Bridge to nowhere. Gas extraction, infrastructure, policy. RLS/ODG, 2018 (download). Hard copies for free, mail to: info.brussels@rosalux.org. FOEE, 2017: Can the climate afford Europe’s gas addiction? Briefing on the role of gas in Europe, its impact on climate and on its compatibility with Europe’s climate and […]
All languages – collection of documents

Background reports Blogs, news, journals Methane Gas projects in Europe Extractivism and Fracking Organizing & Direct Action Videos Powerpoints Link up with others resisting gas Free hard copies 1. Background reports In English: Pérez, Alfons, 2018: Global Gas Lock-in: Bridge to nowhere. Gas extraction, infrastructure, policy (download). RLS/ODG, 2018 (download). Hard copies for free, […]
In Deutsch – Gesammelte Dokumente

1. Hintergrundberichte Pérez, Alfons, 2018: Globaler Gas Lock-In. Brücke ins Nirgendwo. RLS/ODG. Die Booklets, auch viele, können kostenlos bestellt werden bei: info.bruessel@rosalux.org. FOEE, 2017: Europas Gasabhängigkeit – ein Klimakiller? Briefing über die Rolle von Erdgas in Europa, seine Auswirkungen auf das Klima und seine Vereinbarkeit mit den europäischen Klima- und Energiezielen (veröffentlicht zusammen mit der wissenschaftlichen […]
En Français – collection de documents

1. Documents de base Pérez, Alfons, 2018: Le Piège Mondial du Gaz. Desastre Droit Devant. RLS/ODG. La brochure peut être commandée gratuitement auprès de: info.bruessel@rosalux.org. Corporate Europe Observatory, 2017: l’Europe enlisé dans le gaz. Les lobbies derrière la politique européenne de développement des infrastructures gazières. (Peu de temps? Regarde le video de 2 min. pour un résumé.) […]