We send out a monthly newsletter with all the latest info on gas, campaign updates, messages from local groups and upcoming events.
Our newsletter is available in English (some past ones are also in French and Spanish). To sign up to our newsletter, please send an email to newsletter-subscribe@gastivists.org, or fill out the form.
You can view all our past newsletters here.
Get in Touch
We are always happy to hear from you!
Do you have questions about our work, our resources or fossil gas in general?
Have you got information about an anti-gas campaign you’d like to share? or an update to include in our newsletter?
Do you have suggestions on how we can work better together to fight gas?
Send an email to hello[at]gastivists.org and we’ll reply as soon as we can.
At the local level, you can join one of the many organisations or collectives fighting gas projects. You can find more details on many of them on our Resistance Map page
If you’re already involved with a local group, you might want to organise a workshop or an event to raise awareness about gas. Check our Organising Tools or get in touch with us.
On social media, you can follow us on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook, share our posts, and do the same with our allies. The gas industry is trying to persuade people that fossil gas is a clean energy. It’s our responsibility to show the consequences of gas extraction and gas infrastructure on people, on their environment and on the climate. By sharing our content, you can help spread the word.
At the global level, there are many days of action and global mobilisations that you can join! Sign up to our newsletter to be kept up to date on all that is happening.
beyond gas network
The Beyond Gas network is a loose group of activists, NGOs, scientists and others who are working against gas infrastructure projects around the world. The network is based around the Beyond Gas email list, and began after a 2016 conference which aimed to link gas activists together. The list has grown steadily ever since, and currently has several hundred members. While many members of the group are based in Europe, there are active members from all over the planet.
What does the Beyond Gas network do?
The Beyond Gas email list aims to be a platform that unites people from diverse backgrounds and geographies in the struggle against gas and the reckless practices of corporations and financial institutions supporting it.
This includes fighting new gas infrastructure, contesting the injustices linked to gas extraction and its toxic economic implications, unmasking false solutions which encourage gas use, and informing the public about the climate, environmental and social impacts of gas.
We strengthen our respective struggles by amplifying each other’s work, exchanging information and planning coordinated actions and working strands. We do this by:
- Sharing information and updates
- Asking and responding to questions
- Facilitating the formation of working groups for coordinated actions
- Sharing sign-on and solidarity actions and promoting each other’s work.
The network hosts sometimes a Beyond Gas call. This is an opportunity for gas fighters to share what is happening around gas in their region, let the network know about upcoming events and actions, and exchange new research and projects. The calls are organised through the mailing list and all members, new and old, are welcome to join the calls.
The Beyond Gas network also organises a Beyond Gas conference on a near-yearly basis, whether in person or online. These conferences provide gas fighters with a unique opportunity to meet with other activists from across the global gas supply chain, to share their experiences and to build relationships for working together in the future.
Activists, campaigners, scientists, NGOs and others fighting gas are welcome to join the network through the mailing list. To join the list, send an email to hello@gastivists.org with a short introduction to yourself and your work.
Beyond Gas network - guidelines
- Newly joined members are invited to briefly introduce themselves so that everyone is updated about who is on the list.
- All questions are welcome, all updates from campaigns and struggles are welcome! We often hear the same voices on the email list, but we’d really like to encourage everyone to feel ownership and participate if they feel like it.
- In the subject line, start by indicating what your email is about
[UPDATE]: if you are sharing an update on your struggle or your campaign
[ACT]: if you are asking people to take action (for example to tweet, join an online or offline action, sign a letter)
[INVITATION]: if you are inviting people to join a call or an event
[LAUNCH]: if you are launching a report
[READ]: if you are sharing articles that others might find interesting
[QUESTION]: if you need help/ advice from people on the list
- Sharing good articles is great…but can clog up our inboxes. Maybe do one email per week with your recommended top reading.
- We encourage you to share short updates about your campaigns, what is happening in your city, your research. You can also reach out to people with questions.
- We try to monitor who joins the list and hope to make it a space to share information with trusted allies. However we cannot guarantee that it is a safe space.
Like any other email list, we invite everyone to communicate in a fair and respectful manner. Harassment or bullying of any sort will not be tolerated.