Debates on fossil gas, the far-right and militarisation in Romanian geography

Debates on fossil gas, the far-right and militarisation in romanian geography January 2024 – Gastivists România We are in a bleak situation. Climate forecasts for the coming decades do not look good at all. Each new study shows that we are close to crossing some irreversible tipping points. Political decision-makers align themselves with the destructive needs […]

Cost Of Living Podcast

Cost of living podcast a podcast by Gastivists Collective & Corporate Europe Observatory The cost of living crisis is rapidly spreading. But we are organising… You’ll be listening here to recordings, to small Snippets, from a bi-weekly call that we organized with the gastivists collective and CEO (Corporate Europe Observatory). Those calls, and now, this […]

Online Training COP27

ONLINE TRAININGs – UN CLIMATE TALKS This summer 2022, we will be hosting trainings to skill activists up in the lead up to the COP27 UN climate talks in Sharm el Sheikh (Egypt). We will host online trainings for people from the MENA region, as well as allies based in Europe. After the training, there […]

Creative Tactics To Fight Gas

As a movement to stop fossil gas, we are fighting against some of the richest corporations in history, who are desperately trying to find new ways to hold onto power as the failures of their capitalist, neoliberal and extractivism business models become abundantly clear. In order to stand a chance, we are going to have […]

Template Workshop “Why fossil Gas is a dirty lie”

Have you ever dreamt of giving a workshop on fossil gas? You’re in luck! We’ve put together a template workshop on “Why fossil Gas is a dirty lie” – now it is easy for everyone to facilitate a short workshop on fossil gas.  The template workshop can be given online and in person, by anyone who […]

New Fossil Gas Terminals; Profits Over People

Fossil gas is a dangerous fuel which harms the climate and the environment wherever it gets ex- tracted and used. The current report summarizes some of these harms and looks at who pays the price for new fossil gas infrastructure projects. Key messages: Fossil gas is dangerous for climate, environment & communities. We all pay […]