A dangerous distraction: Seven myths industry uses to sell “renewable gas”

Critical remarks on the hype of the “renewable gas”. The enthusiasm for renewable gas is really an attempt to paint the gas industry green.
Top 10 facts about gas

Our top 10 facts about gas. Feel free to use these banners and spread them in your networks.
Methane and Global Warming in the 21st Century (video)

The science and politics of methane. These were the main topics of a webinar, which we held with Robert Howarth in April 2018.
Methane and Dual Accounting at the UNFCCC

To reduce methane emissions, we need accounting systems that represent its warming contribution properly.
Global Gas Lock-in

The gas sector is growing worldwide. What are the politics and facts around it? The booklet shows the various dimensions and risks associated with the global and European push for gas.
Stopping A Fossil Fuel Lock-In (video)

Artistic video by Video by @Gastivists which shows the impacts of gas projects and welcomes a global movement rising up to stop fossil gas, fossil fuels, and the extractive economy it maintains.
Gas leakage in fossil fuel extraction (video)

The leakage of gas during the extraction of fossil fuels is normally not visible. Experts have made the gas leakage visible with infrared cameras in an oil extraction site in Veracruz, Mexico.
Can the climate afford Europe’s gas addiction?

How much gas can Europe afford to use in its future energy mix? Climate change scientists have come up with results: only nine more years of burning gas and other fossil fuels.
BP’s Fracking Secrets

Report by Platform and OpSur on Pan-American Energy and Argentina’s shale mega-project Vaca Muerta.
The Great Gas Lock-in

How the gas industry in Brussels is locking us into a fossil fuelled future of unnecessary gas infrastructure.